Monday, April 29, 2013

Google Reader Blog Roll

Over the past few weeks I have been following some new blogs.  It has been great to read all the new ideas, education news and tech updates.  I have found it super motivating to get me trying and incorporating new technology to my teaching repertoire. The blog I have found most useful has been  Free Technology for Teachers by Richard Byrne.  His posts have been the ones I have found myself saving most often and I have been trying out the technology he recommends most. He will definitely remain on my "must-read" list.

I have also really enjoyed  LARRY FERLAZZO’S WEBSITES OF THE DAY…For Teaching ELL, ESL, & EFL Quote of the day posts.  These quotes are often thought provoking and encourage looking deeper into the issue. A recent favorite was: 

I love this quote, because in world where standardizing education has become so huge, people forget that standard doesn't have to equal identical. 
The other blogs I followed were:

A Media Specialist's Guide to the Internet "Because you never know when you'll need a cybrarian..."  

Cool Cat Teacher Blog "Teaching students with new tools, enthusiasm, and a belief that teaching is a noble calling"

The Busy Librarian 

TLC = Tech + Library + Classroom "finding ways to bring the three together..." "Read. Write. Connect. Learn."

1 comment:

  1. You are right, Richard Byrne's blog was quite informative. I know that it will be one that I continue to visit even after this class ends. I'll make sure to add his new blog address as seems just as good if not better as far as showing us all about what's out there in the world of technology!
